Navigating the Heartbreak of Early Pregnancy Loss
Experiencing an early pregnancy loss can be one of the most heartbreaking events a woman can face. If you’ve recently gone through this, know that you are not alone.
Pregnancy after IVF
You made it through the long and winding journey of infertility and IVF to now be pregnant with a very precious baby!
But, now there are a new set of challenges and decisions to face.
My IVF Journey ~ Part 3
We had used all of the embryos and would need another full cycle of IVF with an egg retrieval. We had no way to afford this. We’d spent all our savings on the 4 previous rounds.
My IVF Journey ~ Part 1
I went into it knowing that conceiving can take time and knowing there was a family history of miscarriage, but I had no idea of the journey ahead.