Eva’s Birth
We decided to get induced 2 days after our due date because there was a risk our baby girl would be too big. I was nervous, not knowing really what to expect but found listening to the birth tracks calming. I started irregular contractions soon after the balloon catheter was inserted and used the breathing techniques. A few hours later, the balloon catheter fell out. This was unexpected and we had to return to hospital where we found I had dilated to 4cm.
We returned to hospital the following day to continue with the induction. My husband set up the room with candles, my favourite music and of course our Nintendo switch. I had my waters broken and we gave my body a few hours to try to progress labour on its own.
Without any luck, I got an epidural and began the oxytocin. Things started off easy (we snuck in a few games of Mario Kart), but within a couple hours my body kicked into gear and the epidural didn’t seem as effective. I tried fentanyl which took the edge off but made me nauseous.
When it came time to push, I could feel my body bearing down and an overwhelming urge to push, even with an epidural. I listened to my body and followed its rhythm. My obstetrician and midwife were wonderful at encouraging me to use all my strength. The baby had 2nd degree shoulder dystocia and I started to tear at a previous episiotomy. I leant on the professionals around me to make the best decision going forward. With a position adjustment and another episiotomy our beautiful daughter was born safely.
Even though we would have preferred less intervention, it’s what my body and baby needed. We had a smooth delivery because Jess made birthing less scary and equipped us with amazing tools for birthing. Thank you Jess, for helping me have a birth I can look back with fondness at what my body was able to achieve.