Eli’s Waterbirth
My pregnancy with Eli was a rough ride. I had bleeding early in pregnancy, an ‘irritable uterus’ meaning I had regular, sometimes painful tightenings from 20 weeks – but thankfully, no changes to my cervix. I had hyperemesis and gestational diabetes. We moved house at 33 weeks pregnant and I had a very active toddler to care for. But, thankfully my baby was very healthy and once everything settled I was able to be in the Low Risk unit with the midwives for this pregnancy too. Having done The Positive Birth Program™. I practiced my relaxation breathing and listened to my relaxation tracks regularly duiring my toddlers naps. (usually falling asleep for nap myself).
When I was just over 39 weeks, we spent a beautiful evening down at the beach, had fish and chips and went for a walk along the beach, took a family selfie on the jetty. Went home and to bed as normal. Around 3 am I woke and went to the toilet (as usual), but then my membranes released. The fluid was clear and all felt normal. I went and phoned the hospital, who wanted me to come in. I phoned my parents to come out and care for my 2 year old and then woke my husband. As we slowly got ready I was having some mild surges, that I was able to breathe through easily. My parents arrived and we took some final photos and headed off to the birth centre at the hospital. I had a few more surges in the car, but once we arrived at the hospital my surges totally disappeared! They were able to confirm my membranes had released using the fluid on the pad I was wearing – meaning I didn’t have a vaginal examination to confirm this.
My surges did start up again, mildly through this time. The midwives were happy for us to return home if we wanted but were also happy to allow some time to see how my surges progressed. We waited a little while to see how teh surges went. I sat on the birth ball and every few minutes my husband would suggest I walk around – every time I stood up a surge would start! We played the Affirmations for Beautiful Birthing. My surges did slowly become more regular in timing, but I still felt that some were super mild, while others were more intense. I definitely didn’t think I was in active labour. But I really didn’t enjoy the car trip, so we decided to stay in the birth centre. I felt really comfortable here and the midwives were very much just leaving us to do our thing. We played the Prompts for Birthing track and I breathed through my surges comfortably.
Once some of the surges started to become more intense I decided to use the shower, but I began to find a really uncomfortable sensation in my hips. We tried playing some music for a while, but I very quickly wanted the relaxation tracks back on as I found them so helpful, reminding me to relax fully between surges. I didn’t feel comfortable sitting on the chair or standing in the shower. Someone suggested the bath, which sounded great and they started filling it. I remember worrying I wasn’t far enough in labour to get in the bath. As I waited for the bath to fill, this discomfort in my hips was bothering me a lot. As soon as the bath was ready, I got in and it was a great relief!
I continued breathing through my surges and soon after I started feeling pressure. I thought it was way too soon, especially as my previous birth I began pushing before I was fully dilated.
A few more surges this pressure became more and more intense and my body began to bear down, I couldn’t have stopped it if I’d wanted to.
I could feel my baby moving down the birth path with each surge. I was focussed and so aware of what what happening in my body. I slowly and gently breathed my baby down. At one point I could feel immense pressure. A LOT of pressure. I reached down and could feel that most of my baby’s head was out. I breathed his head the rest of the way out and then his body. As I reached down, the midwife helped pass him between my legs and I brought him up to my chest. He cried and was absolutely perfect! He was born at 10:16AM.
I got out of the bath and onto the bed and awaited my placenta, had lots of skin to skin and breastfed him. My perineum was intact, no tears! After a shower and time together, our 2 year old joined us to meet his little brother, who had brought him a gift of a Duplo Bin truck. We all sat on the bed and played while waiting for all the checks to be completed and we went home in the afternoon.
My birth felt so beautiful and calm. I didn’t even thing I was in ‘established labour’ for most of it. I never had any examinations or intervention, only listening to his heart rate by doppler. It didn’t feel painful or even that difficult. It was so instinctual, no-one had to tell me what to do, everything just happened, so smoothly. The midwife told my husband it was the most beautiful birth she had seen in her 20 year career! What a compliment! And most importantly, it was a wonderful experience that I truly loved - birthing my baby.